Monday, October 13, 2008

The Bear site!

We had a great time this weekend scouting a site that we like alot. Its a spot close to the road, and up on a ridge, that isn't too difficult to get up and down to get water. I like ridges alot because they are often open at least at some points, and i have a view of what is happening around us. The only disadvantage is lightening on ridges can be bad. We hiked up a old logging road that doesn't appear to have been hiked much at all, especially on the ridge. We did find alot of bear sign, scat, tracks and overturned rocks and logs. It was awsome to see that much evidence of bears. That hopefully means there haven't been many people around there. We do have to be really careful about living in this bears territory. There are a lot of differen't trees in the area:pine, maple oaks,hickory,sourwood,a few black locusts, and which hazel. As we hiked down a drainage, we noticed lots of evidence of animal activity, eaten hickory and oak nuts, scat from rabbit, dear and bear, and heavily used animal runs. I was very nervous about running into the bear or bears so I did not pay much attention to the trees growing along the way. We hiked all the way down the drainage across the creek and ended up on a trail that lead us out to the road. There are a few old logging roads to explore, it was really nice to find a spot of land that seems to have been left alone by humans for a few years. My hope is that i will be able to spend alot of time there getting to know this place intimately and learn how to have as little impact as I can on this little spot of heaven. I did forget my camera and do not have a visual to go along with this post.
Other things i observed were that most of the flowering plants are in seed or dying back for the winter. The trees are changing! And i love it, it smells so good, and is so beautiful. Hiking through the yellowness of the woods was lovely. I do love fall, and i am excited for the cold, for pumpkins, and squashes, for soup, hot oatmeal and cocoa and for the restfullness winter brings. Ow and sleeping under the heavieness of many blankets.


Hag Gasgun said...

Be carefull... This sumer in my area a old lady as been kill by a black bear...
Keep Your food away,and make noise... this can help them to stay far of you...

Good Luck in your projects

Rewild Katuah said...

Thanks for your advice!